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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Distribution box

Industries concerned : 
Product concerned : Spare parts
Distribution box : Spare parts - Quiri
For maintenance operations or installation upgrades, we can provide exchanger parts which are removable and therefore by nature replaceable. The distribution boxes are sheet metal and machined parts and constitute true precision assemblies in order to ensure replacement instead.

Thermal Specificities


Quiri, as a specialist of heat exchangers, can provide you a head box.

Spare part delivered in France in 2015 on behalf of a company specialized in the manufacturing of rubber.

This head box is a spare part for an existing exchanger actually operating in the final user factory.





Technical data of the head box


Shell Side Tube Side
Nature of the fluids Water / Liquid 2
Number of passes 4
Service Temperature (inlet / outlet) °C
Service Pressure Bar (a)
Main Dimensions
Power kW
Exchanged Area Installed
Bundle tubes Type Straight Tubes
Shell Diameter mm 500


Geometric specificities :


Head box for horizontal shell & Tube heat exchanger, empty weight 340 Kg.






Construction Specificities:



Regulation: 97/23 / CE / Decree of March 15, 2000

Calculation temperature: + 93 ° C on tube side

Design pressure: 16.5 bars (g) on tube side

Test pressure: 25 bars (g) on tube side

Without risk category according to Article 3.3

Welding coefficient 0.85





Metallurgy :

  Material Norm
Channel Sheet P265GH EN 10028-2
Head Flanges P280GH EN 10222-2
Spherical cap P265GH EN 10028-2
Bottom Head P280GH EN 10222-2


Welding procedures: EN ISO 15614-1 or EN 288.3

Welders certifications: According to EN 287.1 or EN 1418

Semi-automatic MIG/MAG processes




Quality Specificities:


Head box inspection by a Third Part without delivery of a CE marking (component considered as a spare part followed up during the operation according to the decree of march 15, 2000)





2D view :

Distribution box : Spare parts - Quiri - 2