Complex project management
Thanks to advanced skills in design, calculation and quality systems, QUIRI Echanges Thermiques is able to deal with complex project management of heat exchangers for the most demanding industries in the field of power generation, oil & gas, nuclear and petrochemical applications, involving severe technical and quality requirements.

Mechanical engineering
In compliance with your specifications and applicable regulations, our engineers perform the mechanical conception of your equipment. With CAD software (Solidworks), mechanical
calculations and finite element method softwares, the resistance analysis is made according to the most prevalent international Codes like ASME, TEMA, CODAP, EN 13445, AD-Merkblatt… not only ensuring regulatory conformity, but also reliability, safety and security.
Thermal Engineering
In response to your specifications and requirements, and taking into account your constraints: Thermal need, pressure drop, fouling and available space, our engineers develop solutions through many types of internationally recognized software. Our commitment is to provide efficient and cost-optimized exchangers.