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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Hydraulic power units and pools

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Product concerned : Servo hydraulics
Hydraulic power units and pools : Servo hydraulics - Quiri
Standard range of compact and silent hydraulic power units with submerged motor-pump. From 20 to 250 l/mn the HPU can be combined in hydraulic pools able to deliver thousands of l/mn for large testing installations.

GMP HiFi: Standard submerged HPU

Hydraulic power units and pools : Servo hydraulics - Quiri - 2

HPU HiFi are dedicated to supply servohydraulic networks. Designed to run 24 hours a day, they are equipped with a permanent kidney loop for filtration and cooling. All the pumps are variable displacement type. Sound level from 65 to 76 dBa.


6 standard submerged models :

Tanks: 400, 800, 1250 liters
Power: 18,5 to 110 kW
Flow rate: 32 to 250 l/mn @ 210 bar
Pressure max: 350 bar
Cooling : Water or Air


4 non submerged standard models:

Tank: 200 litres
Power: 9 to 18,5 kW
Flow rate: 14 to 40 l/mn @ 210 bar
Pressure max: 350 bar
Cooling : Water or Air



Flow rate Flow rate Power Tank
Units l/mn @ 210 bar l/mn @ 280 bar kW liter
Compact HPU 18.5 41 32 18.5 460
Compact HPU 30 60 53 30 460
Compact HPU 37 85 65 37 840
Compact HPU 55 130 95 55 840
Compact HPU 75 170 130 75 1250
Compact HPU 110 250 190 110 1250
Compact HPU 220 500 380 220 2500


Hydraulic pools

Hydraulic power units and pools : Servo hydraulics - Quiri - 3

The pools are made of standard 110 kW HPU , connected by the tanks. Each power unit remains autonomous with its own electric box, and has 2 identical motor-driven pumps groups of 55 kw. The combination engine 55 kw and pump of 100 cm3/tr with mechanical limitation of cubic capacity, makes it possible to provide 250 l/mn per power unit at 210 bar, or 190 l/mn per power unit at 280 bar. Each power station being able of the maximum performances.

Hydraulic connection makes it possible to isolate each power unit from the network, for any intervention of preventive or curative maintenance. This insulation is total, and does not imply any stop of the remainder of the pool, and this for any species of intervention.

The insulated power station can undergo a complete check-up, even a disassembling partial or total as well as a preparation of start-up (functional control, counting of particles.), before re-connection to the network by simple opening of valves.

Quiri, specialist in hydraulic power units for testing and industry

A specialist in the design and manufacture of industrial hydraulic equipment, Quiri offers a wide range of hydraulic power packs for testing and industry, as well as components for the assembly and supply of servo-hydraulic test benches: rotary and linear cylinders, hydraulic power packs and safety blocks. Recognized by major players in the automotive, rail, nuclear and aerospace industries, our test benches can be used for a wide variety of tests, including compression, bending and mechanical tests. Our hydraulic systems also cover a wide spectrum of applications, depending on the needs of the industry concerned: chassis, shock absorber or component testing machines.

Our experts in industrial hydraulics have the full range of skills needed to manufacture test benches, and can also design your own customized equipment, based on specific specifications. To find out more about our hydraulic test benches or our cylinders and power units, please contact our specialists.

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