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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Rerailing set

QUIRI Hydromécanique company has been providing rerailing equipments for more than 60 years.

We take advantage of our experience to provide you today a complete range of equipments which combines strength, lightness, implementation and use speed.

Our equipments are fitted with:

  • Hydraulic power unit and/or hand pump
  • Control desk
  • Light alloy cylinders
  • Roller carriages
  • Light alloy rerailing bridges
  • Connecting hoses
  • Other components on request

NOTE : engines of our power units can be electric, petrol, diesel or pneumatic driven.

Many additionnal accessories are necessary to make a safe rerailing exercise (wedging wood, short frames, slings, chains, shackles, hooks, straps, protections against sharp edges, etc…).

Our team is at your disposal to help you in the definition of the material that is best adapted to your needs.
Feel free to contact us.

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