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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Braking and lifting cylinders

Industries concerned : 
Product concerned : Lifting equipments
Braking and lifting cylinders - Lifting equipments - Quiri
Our braking and lifting cylinders are used in hydroelectric power-plant to brake and lift the rotor.

Our braking and lifting cylinders are used in hydroelectric power-plant. They are located under the rotor in the generator side.


These cylinders are dual pistons, hydraulic and pneumatic. They are used for following operation:

  • Final rotor braking (pneumatic)
  • Rotor set up (hydraulic)
  • Lifting operation for maintenance (hydraulic)

QUIRI braking and lifting jacks are fitted with:

  • Brake lining with mechanical fitting (no bonding) and that can be replaced without displacing the cylinder (maintenance friendly)
  • Limit switches (to detect low and high position and lining wear)
  • 4 powerful return springs to ensure quick retractation of the cylinder.
  • Brake lining anti rotation device.
  • Base plate to fit the cylinder on the machine frame.

You will find hereafter our standard braking and lifting cylinders brochure, however we would be glad to study on request a specific product.

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