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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Rerailing equipment

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Product concerned : Lifting equipments
Rerailing equipment - Lifting equipments - Quiri
Hydraulic equipment designed to lift, move and rerail every type of rail vehicle (from tramway to 180T Diesel locomotive).
We have more than 60 years of experience in designing and manufacturing rerailing equipment, which has been developed with the support of major French ordering institutions. The QUIRI rerailing systems are recognized all around the world for robustness and facility of using. There are three standard sets, including all the necessary tools for a safe rerailing operation :
  • Tramway equipment for the rerailing of Citadis
  • Light equipment for the rerailing of metros, railcars, locomotives, coaches until 80 tons
  • Heavy equipment for the rerailing of train, locomotives, coaches until 180 tons

Design of our hydraulic rerailing equipment

Each hydraulic rerailing equipment is mainly composed of :
  • Hydraulic power units with gasoline (petrol – gasoil) or electric motor
  • Control desk separated or included on the hydraulic power
  • Light alloy rerailing bridges in different lengths (1,1m - 2,2m …)
  • Roller carriages with integrated translation cylinder
  • Double or single acting telescopic light alloy cylinders with different strokes and lifting capacity
  • Hoses for the connection of the different parts of the rerailing equipment with line rupture protection coupling
  • Tilting jacks with lifting belt
  • Rescue hand pumps

Learn more about our hydraulic rerailing equipment

With over 60 years of experience in the design and manufacture of industrial hydraulic equipment (cylinders, hydraulic power units and more), Quiri offers a wide range of products dedicated to the railway industry. Trust our company’s know-how and expertise for your rerailing equipment: we offer a solution for safer, faster and  better controlled rerailing of railway vehicles on tracks. By greatly reducing delays and costs, our railroad hydraulic systems ensure business continuity. Our equipment can be used on all rail vehicles, from tramways to metros and trains, up to 180-ton coaches. Designed and developed in collaboration with the largest French contractors, our rerailing equipment has been tested in the most extreme situations and is therefore the safest and most versatile system on the market. Our railway equipment is now recognized worldwide for its robustness and efficiency. ISO 9001 certified and with numerous quality accreditations, Quiri Hydromechanics is able to meet your highest requirements for hydraulic rerailing systems and other railroad equipment.

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