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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Tightening of plate heat exchangers

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Product concerned : Lifting equipments
Tightening of plate heat exchangers - Lifting equipments - Quiri
Quiri hollow cylinders are used for assembling and maintenance of plate heat exchangers.
The assembly or maintenance reassembly operations of the large plate exchangers are particularly long and difficult. Tightening of plate heat exchangers - Lifting equipments - Quiri - 2 The use of Quiri hollow cylinders allows :
  • To save time for reassembly operations
  • To obtain an accurate and controlled tightening
  • Perform the operation safely and muscularly
  For this application, we recommend the use of :
  • Light alloy hollow cylinders, single acting, SLC model (lightweight, spring return, with a large centre hole)
  • Mini MGEM hydraulic power unit (portable and single-phase motor).
Tightening of plate heat exchangers - Lifting equipments - Quiri - 3   In case of intensive use, in workshop, we recommend the use of :
  • Light alloy hollow cylinders,double-acting, SLCD model (lightweight, hydraulic return, with a large centre hole)
  • Hydraulic power station with independent outputs (allowing homogeneous tightening of the plates without adjustment).

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