The test bench, also called “test stand”, is an industrial hydraulic system used to put a product in conditions of use, in order to observe and analyze its behavior.
Test benches are specifically designed to verify and/or validate the functionalities and properties of a product throughout its manufacturing process. This may, for example, be a chassis, a power steering or a seat belt anchorage in the case of a test stand intended for the automotive industry.
Many other applications of the test bench are possible, particularly in the aeronautics, civil engineering or nuclear sectors for example.
As testing requirements may vary depending on the nature of the product to be tested, test benches are most often custom-designed by industrial hydraulic equipment manufacturers.
Several types of hydraulic test benches can be distinguished, depending on the nature and life cycle of the product involved:
Test bench
A test bench is a hydraulic system designed to measure the performance of a product in its development phase. It is used to conduct various mechanical and dynamic tests. This term is also used to designate a development environment that is secured against the dangers of experiments, as part of a vehicle crash test for example.
End-of-line bench
End-of-line benches are meant to test the overall functionality of a product during the manufacturing process and to fully validate it before the product is launched.
Endurance test bench
Used in the development phase, the endurance test bench or “fatigue test bench“, allows to assess the reliability and durability of the functional characteristics of mechanical systems.
As a specialist in the design and manufacture of industrial hydraulic equipment and gas springs, Quiri Hydromechanics designs a wide range of hydraulic test benches. Depending on the nature and characteristics of the product to be tested, our teams are able to design a custom-made hydraulic system to perform mechanical tests (compression, traction or fatigue tests) or fluid dynamic tests. Whether for the railway, automotive or aerospace industries: our hydraulic test stands meet your highest requirements.
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