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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Controllers and softwares

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Product concerned : Servo hydraulics
Controllers and softwares : Servo hydraulics - Quiri
Digital controller SPS 800, software suites for testing, data acquisition, analyze.

SPS 800

Digital controller

SPS 800 is a controller for servohydraulic systems.
Designed to be connected directly with servo-actuators, SPS 800 can easily conduct the main type of mechanical tests: Fatigue, characterization, simulation. SPS 800 can be also directly connected to hydraulic test benches or stations to conduct fluid type test: pressure pulsation, flow/pressure characterization, simulation, fatigue, pressure shock.

Multi axis combined with multi test system, SPS 800 can control up to 12 channels depending on the test configuration.


16 bits digital controller rack with supervision PC and optional remote control.

Available configurations:

SPS 800 LT: desktop

SPS 800 ST: small cabinet 19″ (industrial PC+ UPS)

SPS 800 B/C: large size 19″ cabinet , multi – rack, to control several test benches or a whole laboratory.


SPS 800 soft:

Sensors and servo-valve setting, PID and advance close loop regulation setting, digital I/O programming, real time data visualisation, cyclic and ramp test, threadholds setting, data acquisition and analyze.

Additional modules:

Multi profil test, iterations, tribometer, ECE 14, export MME(ISO13499)

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