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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Hydraulic block cylinders – S48

Test pressure: 500 bars
Max working pressure: 350 bars

Key provided
Seals kits available

  • Double stem seal
  • Galvanized one-piece body
  • Treated one-piece piston rod
  • Strokes ± 0.3mm
  • 2-year or 400 km warranty (4 million cycles for a 50 mm stroke)
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Hydraulic block cylinders – S48 : Hydraulic block cylinders S48 - Quiri - 2
TYPE Units S48 40 S48 50 S48 63
Piston (mm) 40 50 63
Rod (mm) 22 28 36
Pushing force at 100 bars (kN) 12.5 19.6 31.1
Pulling force at 100 bars (kN) 8.7 13.4 21
L (strokes from 5 to 80 mm) (mm) 165 175 188
L (strokes from 85 to 120 mm) (mm) 205 215 228
L (strokes from 125 to 160 mm) (mm) 245 255 268
L (strokes from 165 to 200 mm) (mm) 285 295 308
a (mm) 90 100 120
b (mm) 76 86 106
c (mm) 10 10 12
e (mm) 34 35 42
f (mm) 72 82 98
g (mm) 11 11 13
g1 x depth (mm) ø17 x 11 ø17 x 11 ø19 x 13
h (mm) 60 60 72
j H8 (mm) 8 10 12
k (mm) 45 50 60
v (mm) 9 9 10
w x depth (mm) ø20.5 x 2 ø20.5 x 2 ø22.3 x 2
z (mm) 5 5 5
z’ (+0.1 0) (mm) 5 5 5

Rod ends

Hydraulic block cylinders – S48 : Hydraulic block cylinders S48 - Quiri - 3
TYPE Units S48 40 S48 50 S48 63
ød (mm) 22 28 36
A (mm) 25 30 40
B (mm) 8 8 10
M (mm) M16 x 1.5 M20 x 1.5 M27 x 2
C (mm) M10 M16 x1.5 (S : M16 x 2) M20 x1.5 (S : M20 x 2.5)
K (mm) 17 22 30

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