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Air hydraulic pumps, oil capacity 4 and 12 liters – 700 bar – PHP

For single and double acting cylinders

Hydraulic pressure proportional to air pressure
Working cycle : advance / hold / return
External adjustable pressure relief valve, set at 700 bar
Oil capacity 4000 and 12000 cm³ (delivered with oil)
Air inlet pressure: 7 bar
Oil flow: from 2400 to 25 cm³/min
Air consumption: 1800 l/min (without load) at 6 bar air pressure

Other relief valve setting : on request

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Air hydraulic pumps, oil capacity 4 and 12 liters – 700 bar – PHP : Air hydraulic pumps 700 bar - Quiri - 2
Maxi. oil pressure

at 7 bar air


Oil flow

(no load)


Oil flow

(at 700 bar)


Usable oil



Reference To use with

cylinder …

Dimensions (mm) Weight


a b c c’ d e f g h i
700 2400 25 4000 PHP 743 single acting 340 130 200 200 35 419 255 242 225 15 26
700 2400 25 4000 PHP 744 double acting 340 130 200 200 35 419 255 242 225 15 26
700 2400 25 13500 PHP 7123 single acting 430 130 200 324 35 509 395 332 365 15 38
700 2400 25 13500 PHP 7124 double acting 430 130 200 324 35 509 395 332 365 15 38

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