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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

RGP 750 N gas spring

• Diameter from 19 to 150 mm
• Stroke : from 7 to 125 mm
• Force : from 170 to 9500daN (9.5t)
• Very compact size
• Solid design (no welding)

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RGP 750 N gas spring : HIGH POWER RGP GAS SPRINGS - Quiri - 2
RGP 750 N gas spring : HIGH POWER RGP GAS SPRINGS - Quiri - 3
RGP 750 N gas spring : HIGH POWER RGP GAS SPRINGS - Quiri - 4
RGP 750 N gas spring : HIGH POWER RGP GAS SPRINGS - Quiri - 5
Type Force Stroke C Reference ISO Pressure Force F1 Force F2 LR LC Mass 3D Model
daN mm MPa (bar) N* N* mm mm Kg
RGP 750 10 443831/000-S 15




7 370 10 960 52 42 0.40 3D
13 443832/000-S X 11 100 58 45 0.42 3D
16 443834/000-S 11 200 64 48 0.44 3D
19 443835/000-S 11 260 70 51 0.46 3D
25 443836/000-S X 11 350 82 57 0.51 3D
32 443837/000-S 11 470 96 64 0.55 3D
38 443838/000-S X 11 500 108 70 0.59 3D
50 443839/000-S X 11 540 132 82 0.67 3D
63 443840/000-S X 11 590 158 95 0.75 3D
75 443841/000-S 11 600 182 107 0.83 3D
80 443842/000-S X 11 590 192 112 0;86 3D
100 443843/000-S X 11 590 232 132 0.99 3D
125 443844/000-S X 11 620 282 157 1.15 3D

* (N) = Kgf x 9.80665 | (Kgf)=N x 0.101972 | 1daN=1 x 101N | 1bar=1 x 10-1MPa

Example of order: RGP 750 C50 N
Spare Kit : 896530/000.
Composition : Guide ring, seals, valve and lubricant.

RGP 750 N gas spring : HIGH POWER RGP GAS SPRINGS - Quiri - 6

(!) There is a blue sticker on the gas spring body when it is inflated with a special pressure (<15 MPa)

RGP 750 N gas spring : HIGH POWER RGP GAS SPRINGS - Quiri - 7

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