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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Home » Quiri Hydromécanique » Gas Springs » SUPER COMPACT RGC » RGC 18300 gas spring

RGC 18300 gas spring

• Compact design, with extra high force 420 daN to 18 300 daN
• Stroke maximum : 50mm
• Double sealing
• Lubricated guiding
• Can be used in piping system with a rear adapter to :
– connect the gas springs in equi-pressure
– use the half-flange fixations of the ISO range

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RGC 18300 gas spring : SUPER COMPACT RGC - Quiri - 2
RGC 18300 gas spring : SUPER COMPACT RGC - Quiri - 3
RGC 18300 gas spring : SUPER COMPACT RGC - Quiri - 4
Type Force Stroke C Reference Pressure Force F1 Force F2 LR LC Mass 3D Model
daN mm MPa (bar) N* N* mm mm Kg
RGC 18300 10 443182/000 15



184 080 240 950 110 100 9.70 3D
16 443183/000 247 090 136 120 11.00 3D
25 443184/000 259 260 165 140 12.00 3D
32 443185/000 255 710 197 165 13.20 3D
40 443186/000 252 480 235 195 14.70 3D
50 443187/000 256 560 270 220 16.00 3D

* (N) = Kgf x 9.80665 | (Kgf)=N x 0.101972 | 1daN=1 x 101N | 1bar=1 x 10-1MPa

Example of order : RGC 18300 C50
Spare kit : 896514/000
Composition : Seals, valve and lubricant

(!) There is a blue sticker on the gas spring body when it is inflated with a special pressure (<15 MPa)

RGC 18300 gas spring : SUPER COMPACT RGC - Quiri - 5

CAUTION : If you fix RGC type by bottom thread, gas spring’s bottom surface should lay completely on the die. RGC with stroke > 25mm should be attached to the die with screws or flanges (no drop-in mounting).

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