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Hydraulic cylinders and components, hydraulic systems, gas springs & shell and tube heat exchangers : Quiri

Home » Quiri Hydromécanique » Lifting equipments » Hydraulic pullers » 2 and 3 jaws hydraulic pullers

2 and 3 jaws hydraulic pullers

10 à 50 tonnes

10 tons puller is delivered with support for 2 and 3 jaws.
20, 30 and 50 tons pullers are delivered with an interchangeable head for a 2 jaws using.

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2 and 3 jaws hydraulic pullers : Hydraulic pullers - Quiri - 2



Mechanic unit


Dimensions (mm) Weight



To use with hydraulic unit * Weight



a b
mini maxi
10 EG 10 296 50 350 9 UH 10 11
20 EG 20 320 70 480 25,5 UH 20 16
30 EG 30 407 90 580 44,5 UH 30 21
50 EG 50 750 120 1080 95 UH 50 37

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